FEB 2019 AAUW Meeting

(When the Feb newsletter was sent out, we had not yet confirmed the meeting location. It will be held in the Conference Room at Noel Wien Library. It is at end of hallway to the right of the Auditorium.

February Meeting: Economic Security and the Work Smart Program
Please join us on Saturday, February 23, 11am-noon, Location: Conference Room at Noel Wien Library.   Topic:  Economic Security and the Work Smart program.  This is a national effort of AAUW for women to negotiate their financial futures and to eliminate the gender pay gap–for good.  In addition to viewing a 6 minute video we’ll have the opportunity to sign up for the online 1 hour 10 minute Work Smart program which can be stopped and started at any time.   We’ll also be setting some goals for our branch.
Invite young friends to join in this program.  Open to all women and they do not need to be AAUW members.